Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A's and yet ambitious like O's. They are empathetic, easily understanding others' points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. People with blood type B are often considered more relaxed, freewheeling, and unconventional than other types, although not necessarily to an unacceptable degree.
People with Type B Blood are curious everything. That may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies. They tend to get excited about something suddenly only to drop it again just as quickly. They seem to manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are truly the most important. While they don’t care what others think of them. They are extremely passionate about the things they hold dear.
They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. They also don’t really want to have much personal contact with others.
Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends. They aren’t picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things. Usually, they act first before going over the details They are very critical of appearances, but not of their own appearance. They will pick clothing by style and pattern first.
Type B's scored significantly higher on "intuiting," indicating a preference or sixth sense information; and they scored high on the "intuiting/feeling" combination, indicating that they tend to be insightful, mystical, idealistic, creative, globally-oriented, people-oriented and good at imagining. They also reported that they learned best through listening, then reflecting on and interpreting what they had observed. . They are also good at reading other people and provide whatever support they need.
Goal Oriented:
Goal oriented and strong minded, type B would start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. When they start a project, they spend extra time understanding and trying to follow directions than others might. When they are doing something, all of their attention is focused on it. They tend to stick to a goal and follow it through to the end, even if it seems impossible.
Type B's are impulsive individualists who often create their own path in life. They tend to be less than cooperative, as they like to follow their own rules and their own ideas. They have independent spirits with strong personalities.
They are specialists in what they do. B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average, but they tend to be so involved in their own world that they neglect other things.
People with blood type B are the most practical of the blood groups. B type people pay attention to their thoughts a little more than their feelings, and therefore can sometimes seem cold and serious.
B is most compatible with B and AB lovers.

Manzano - Type O: The Warrior
Blood Type O tends to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well-developed physique and a physically active nature. They are natural athletes.
They are outgoing, passionate, energetic, and social. They are the most flexible of the blood types. Often popular and extremely self-confident, they are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. O types are expressive and always say what's on their mind. They value the opinion of others and like to be the center of attention. They make a good impression on people and often quite attractive.
They are initiators, although they don’t always finish what they start. They appear to be levelheaded and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. That is also the what makes O types lovable. Their clothing will be less colorful and more traditional. They will choose clothing by style and pattern first.
Interestingly, Type O’s also scored significantly higher than the rest in “sensing” – using the 5 senses to gather information, and in the sensing-thinking combination, indicating that they are more detail and fact oriented, logical, precise and orderly.
Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously.
Natural Leader:
They are highly motivated, natural leaders. Organized and determined, they can also express the truth very clearly. Their stubbornness will help them reach their goals because they won’t give up until they reach it. They tend to be obsessive in their quest for success, and this can make them boring to others. They make good leaders. They will try to consider everything, including the big picture. Blessed with a strong physical presence, they aren’t afraid to gamble because they are so convinced they’ll win.
O is most compatible with O and AB.
References: issendai, japanvisitor, associatedcontent, thegreatgeekmanual, blogcatalog, openzine
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